In The News
Seth Soorajmull Jalan Balika Vidyalaya observed Independence Week from August 14 to 25, 2023, in the spirit of India’s 77th Independence Day. Students from every class came together to put up entertaining cultural programmes comprising dances, recitals, skits, music and debates. Later, the entire school gathered for the flag hoisting ceremony brimming with pride for our country. Pupils from the secondary section also participated in the cleaning and dengue awareness drive in the College Street Area. Read the piece here.

Celebrating the Spirit of India’s Independence With Independence Week
Seth Soorajmull Jalan Balika Vidyalaya observed Independence Week from August 14 to 25, 2023, in the spirit of India’s 77th Independence Day. Students from every class came together to put up entertaining cultural programmes comprising dances, recitals, skits, music and debates. Later, the entire school gathered for the flag hoisting ceremony brimming with pride for our country. Pupils from the secondary section also participated in the cleaning and dengue awareness drive in the College Street Area. Read the piece here.